UBC will be included in Homelessness Services Association of BC’s Point-in-Time Homeless Count 


Every year, from March to early May 2023, the Homelessness Services Association of BC conducts Point-in-Time Homeless Count across BC.

This year, the program will be expanded to cover the UBC Vancouver Point Grey campus. UBC Campus Security and UBC Sprouts — a 100% volunteer and student-run organization at UBC, along with volunteers from across the university will be taking part in this program to collect details about the experiences and demographics of people who are experiencing homelessness. In previous years, the organization was unable to conduct this count at UBC due to the large area of land and limited volunteers available.

On March 8th, pairs of volunteers will be assigned walking routes on the UBC Vancouver campus to identify people who visibly may be unhoused and conduct a short survey. Volunteers will be provided training and guidance in advance.

UBC Sprouts will be setting up a booth on the corner of University Boulevard and East Mall (In front of the UBC Bookstore) as a hub for the volunteers, and a place for those less visibly experiencing homelessness to self-identify in a safe and inclusive space. Food will also be handed out at the booth.

While there is an urgency for action, solutions must be trauma-informed, culturally safe, incorporate harm reduction, oriented towards social justice and equity, and contribute to decolonization and anti-discrimination. That’s why it’s vital to better understand who — and why — people are unhoused. The Counts provide communities and all levels of government with information they can rely on to make informed, compassionate, and swift decisions that support pathways out of homelessness.


If you would like to take part in this the Point-in-Time Homeless count at UBC, pleaseSIGN UP HEREbefore March 8, 2023. 

For more information about this program, please visit Homelessness Services Association of BC.

For information and resources about UBC Sprouts, please visit UBC Sprouts.

Thank you for your involvement and support.