The UBC campus is a generally safe place to be, but property theft can happen anywhere. Take a moment to refresh yourself on a few strategies to keep your personal belongings safe.
Using common sense
- The majority of theft prevention is common sense. By making habits out of common-sense actions, you will make yourself less vulnerable.
- Don’t leave your valuables unattended in public places. Make sure to keep your personal belongings with you or ask a friend to look after them while you’re away.
- Lock the door behind you.
- Keep all of your electronics password-protected.
- Minimize the amount of valuables/cash you carry in public.

Recording your belongings
- Engrave your property with your driver’s license or identification card number.
- Record the make, model and serial numbers of your valuable property.
- Make a list of all credit/debit cards, along with phone numbers for easy cancellation — make sure to store this in a safe location or password protect it.
- Install location software on each mobile device so it’s easier to find if lost or stolen.