We respond to all First Aid calls for students, faculty, staff, student-staff, and visitors on the UBC Vancouver campus.
Campus Security patrol officers are Occupational First Aid Level 2 (OFA2) certified and provide emergency support and first aid response 24/7, as well as guide emergency responders (fire, ambulance, police) to the right place on campus quickly.
Campus Security and the First Aid program is not a replacement for the emergency services, but will likely arrive on scene before fire, ambulance, and police services. In the unlikely event that Campus Security is unavailable, the program will automatically be supported by Vancouver Fire Rescue Services.
To locate an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), visit Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
To locate a Naloxone Kit, visit Overdose prevention and response program.
For information about first aid on the UBC Okanagan campus, visit the UBC Okanagan website.
UBC students and visitors
Students and visitors should call 604.822.2222 (Dial 2.2222 on UBC landline) or locate an Emergency Blue Phone to contact Campus Security for first aid.
In the event of a medical emergency or if the first aid situation was caused by a crime being committed, first call 9-1-1 and then call first aid at 604.822.2222.
Campus security will ask a few vital questions about the situation and dispatch an officer to your campus location, or pass the call to the emergency services if necessary.

Faculty, staff, and student-staff
Faculty, staff, and student-staff, should call 604.822.4444 (Dial 2.4444 on UBC landline) to contact Campus Security for first aid. In the event of a medical emergency, first call 9-1-1 and then call first aid at 604.822.4444.
Local faculty/departmental first aid attendants are no longer officially part of UBC’s Occupational First Aid Program. Not requesting first aid through the official UBC First Aid responder (Campus Security) may result in the absence of the necessary first aid documentation for a WorkSafeBC claim. First Aid kits are also no longer required in your department, however, first aid supplies are still important to have in your emergency kit. Learn more on UBC’s Emergency Preparedness website.
What happens when you call first aid
- Calls to first aid goes directly to Campus Security, who responds to all locations on the UBC Vancouver campus to provides assistance.
- You will be asked a few vital questions about the situation and Campus Security will dispatch an officer to your campus location, or pass the call to the emergency services if necessary.
- Most incidents should be attended within 10 minutes of being dispatched, however, other factors could impact the time it takes for Campus Security to arrive at an incident.

Injury or illness on campus
Any injury or illness on campus must be reported to Campus Security. When contacting us, remember to provide the following information:
- Contact information —Name, phone number, faculty/department
- Location / building
- Nature of the incident/injury
Once reported, please keep an eye out for Campus Security. Learn to recognize our uniforms and vehicles.
For information regarding accident/incident reporting to WorkSafeBC, please visit Safety & Risk Services.
Medical Emergencies
Medical emergencies range in severity and may include: cardiac arrest, serious falls, signs of illness, exposure to hazardous material, loss of consciousness, and more.
In the event of a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1 first and then call Campus Security for First Aid:
- For students and visitors, please dial 604.822.2222
- For faculty, staff, and student-staff, please dial 604.822.4444
- You can also call 2.2222 on an internal line or use a Blue Phone

Automated External Defibrillators
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are available across the UBC Vancouver campus to provide quick response in the event of a cardiac arrest.
An AED is a portable unit that provides a life-saving shock to a person in sudden cardiac arrest, when the heart unexpectedly and abruptly stops beating. This is usually caused by an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation. Once applied, the AED analyzes a patient’s heart activity and determines if a lifesaving shock is required. The AED cannot deliver a shock unless the person is in cardiac arrest.
Learn more about AEDs and locate the nearest AED on UBC Vancouver campus
Helping with a first aid situation
There are a number of things you can do to help in a first aid situation
- Provide clear and accurate information about the situation when calling Campus Security for First Aid.
- Make reception staff aware of the situation and that Campus Security will be arriving soon
- Enlist the help of others nearby to look out for Campus Security when they arrive
- Reassure the patient and ensure they are comfortable and safe

COVID-19 concerns
If you believe you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2, please:
- Use the Thrive Health self-assessment tool for guidance
- Follow the advice from BC Centre for Disease Control if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19
- Follow the advice from Public Health
For more information on COVID-19 health and safety, visit the Safety & Risk Services.