Protest at UBC’s MacInnes Field
UBC values freedom of expression and respects peaceful protest. We understand that some in our community want to protest the violence and war they see unfolding. These actions must always be taken with respect for others and within the boundaries of university policy and the law.
RCMP update on January 17 vehicle incident at Thunderbird Parkade
The University RCMP is investigating after a single vehicle collision inside a parkade resulted in the death of one man.
Thank you for your participation in the Campus Security service model validation
Earlier this spring, Campus Security collected various forms of community feedback for their service model validation project. Results from students, faculty, staff, and community members helped to identify themes and areas for prioritization as Campus Security continues to stay committed to creating a safe, secure, caring, and inclusive environment for staff and our campus community.
Safety on the go. Download the UBC safe Vancouver App
Download the UBC Safe Vancouver app and make sure you turn on your push notifications to receive timely updates and urgent notifications. The UBC Safe App is free and recommended for UBC students, faculty, staff and campus visitors.
Safety Awareness Week is September 18-22, 2023
Let’s start the Academic year off right by learning how to keep yourself and the UBC community safe and secure on campus. During Safety Awareness Week, visit UBC Campus Security’s information booths across various locations on the UBC Vancouver campus to learn about theft prevention and helpful safety and security tips.